Wednesday 12 February 2014

Editing Our Opening Title Sequence

Editing Session Number Two

We are advancing slowly towards having a complete opening title sequence. Our editing is going well, and we are working towards adding titles and sound.

Previously, editing hasn't gone too well as we began by clumsily pressing whatever key seem suitable, and therefore we had to review some notes I made, including a blog post I have posted previously to refresh our memories. Once this had been done, we started making some progress.

Originally we had two POV establishing shots of the house we were filming, but once we had watched them through around ten times, we realised Adam's dog was in a shot, and the camera was shaky. Therefore, we made the executive decision to cut out this shot and make up for time by putting some titles ahead of the footage which also adds to the creepy side of the thriller.

Also, we spent a great deal of time deciding which order the shots should go in. We decided that after a few shots of Adam there should be some foreshadowing shots and vice versa. We thought this would break up a constant pattern of shots and make the audience on suspense constantly throughout.

Our next task is to complete putting in titles and sound and hopefully after that, we will be finished!