Monday 28 April 2014

Audience Feedback

We decided to show our thriller opening title sequence to a group of our peers that were within our target audience of 15-20 years of age, both male and female. We received a varied reaction including some compliments and some constructive criticisms so if we decided to shoot the sequence again, we would know what to change to make it better.

For example, a common criticism we received was that our sequence was too dark and that some essential scenes were lost amidst the harsh and dark lighting. However, we received a preferred reading as everyone believed that there was a murderer and a victim who was eventually leading up to being killed.

A constructive compliment was that the pace and fluidity of the editing was good at the beginning and ending of the piece. However, we were told that the middle of the sequence was fairly slow moving which would be something we would spend more time on if we were to re-do our sequence.

We were told that our use of 'old type-writer' style font was an excellent choice as it really suited the sequence and gave off the impression of the spy/mystery thriller film that we were intending to make. However, we were told that some titles were not on screen for long enough and that they could not be read. This would be something we would change if we were to film this sequence again.

Overall, we received a preferred reading but also received many constructive criticisms in order to know what would make our film better if we were going to film the sequence again. This is helpful because is helps with future projects.