Wednesday 25 March 2015

Our Final Music Video

Our music video is finally finished and is up on youtube. I am very pleased with the way it turned out.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Final CD Digipak

Here is the finalised version of our CD Digipak

Our Final Website

Our website took a long time to get up and running by eventually finalising all of the colours and the balance of colour and white and black.

Here is the link!

Here is a screenshot of the homepage of our website:


Evaluation Task Four: Conclusion

By using digital media technologies, I have used technological convergence to ensure that I have produced three products as a part of a successful campaign. My use of of the Sony NX5 during the production of my music video and the use of Adobe Premier has enabled me to become a prosumer, which is a creator of media products to near a professional standard. The use of Final Cut Pro as a piece of editing software has taught me how to select and organise a music video to a very high standard using semi-professional media equipment. I have also bee able to share ideas and research global and industry standard products. Digital technology has made available to me opportunities to upload, share and distribute my products using YouTube as a free broadcast platform. It is also interactive - audiences have been able to feedback, like and comment on my products using features as Survey Monkey and other online tools. These we skills learned on this course have enabled me to gained experience not only as a user of digital technology but also to become a producer as this is important to understanding the media in an online age.

Henry Jenkins seemed very interested in examining this 'participatory culture' and most specifically how the internet has brought it to the forefront through offering opportunities for regular audience members to produce and upload their own products. This I have achieved by creating my own music video and editing, producing etc this all in a group of prosumers all my age.

Friday 13 March 2015

Evaluation Task Four: Transcript

Describe the cameras used.

Lulu: Throughout the A Level Media course we used two cameras. One was called the Sony NX5 which we used in our AS year and the other was the Sony FX100.

Did you use a lens change?

Katie: We used a few different lenses for our music video. We used a slow motion lens in order to get the effective slow motion shots of the powder paint. We used the 85mm Carl Zeist lenses for the close up shots, 50mm for mid-shots, 35mm for long shots and 21mm for wide shots.

Explain the post-production process.

Claudia: After we filmed everything on the shoot day, all our footage was then transferred to a Mac computer and then edited by the Adobe Premier software. This was convergently transferred from the camera to the computer very easily and efficiently.

How have you arranged the shots using digital software?

Lulu: We used Adobe Premier to edit all of the shots together using the blade tool. We also used this software to its full potential by adding in wipes to our music video which give off a the clean-cut image we were going for.

Did you use any tools in the editing software?

Katie: We used the blade tool to make the shots seamlessly flow together and maintain continuity throughout the video. We used the render tool to link all of the shots together with the music and in order to sync up the music, we used the digital clapperboard to make syncing up the video simple and easy.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Evaluation Task Four: Introduction

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Recently in class, we started thinking about the answer to Evaluation Task Four and I decided to make a journey poster of the different types of technologies I used across the A Level Media Studies course. As you can see, there is a clear line/journey between the start of AS and the end of A2.

The first technology I used was the Sony NX5 and after doing some filming, I then started to use Final Cut Pro to edit my opening title sequence. In the AS course we used a lot less modern technologies with Prezi, Blogger and YouTube being the main features. In the A2 year, I have expanded my horizons and started using new and innovative technologies such as Adobe Premiere, Emaze, Wix and Soundcloud which have opened up my perspective and improved my skills within Media. 

As this task continues, I will delve into how these technologies helped me and developed and honed my skills and eventually helped me in making my coursework, a music video, and the ancillary texts, a CD Digipak and website, to go with it.