Thursday 5 March 2015

Evaluation Task Four: Introduction

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Recently in class, we started thinking about the answer to Evaluation Task Four and I decided to make a journey poster of the different types of technologies I used across the A Level Media Studies course. As you can see, there is a clear line/journey between the start of AS and the end of A2.

The first technology I used was the Sony NX5 and after doing some filming, I then started to use Final Cut Pro to edit my opening title sequence. In the AS course we used a lot less modern technologies with Prezi, Blogger and YouTube being the main features. In the A2 year, I have expanded my horizons and started using new and innovative technologies such as Adobe Premiere, Emaze, Wix and Soundcloud which have opened up my perspective and improved my skills within Media. 

As this task continues, I will delve into how these technologies helped me and developed and honed my skills and eventually helped me in making my coursework, a music video, and the ancillary texts, a CD Digipak and website, to go with it. 

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