Monday 4 August 2014

Ideas for a Music Video: The Knife - Heartbeats

The Knife are a fairly popular electro/pop individual band who's songs are more famous for people covering them instead of the original songs themselves. Since their song 'Heartbeats' is one of my favourite songs and it doesn't have a video yet, I decided it had the qualities and was a good style to create a music video concept around the song. Here is the song:

Since the introduction to this song is fairly long and very repetitive, I had the idea of a group of a young man sitting in a darkened room in front of a computer. We could start with a close up of his face and when the beat starts to come in, we see a shot of the computer and he is playing a old-fashioned style computer game called Metroid or something similar. The game would co-ordinate with the beat of the song. The editing I feel would be based very much so with the beat of the music, so he could open up a can of soda on one particular base hit for example. 

There would be a performance element within this video as there is a partial narrative. When we watch the computer screen, we see that the picture changes into an electro band with a female lead singer, a keyboard, a guitar etc. Personally I feel like this song sounds very robotic and paced so another idea could be that the other musicians are wearing robot helmets to coincide with this theme. As aforementioned, the video game he could be playing could be incorporated within the robot theme as I feel the song radiates a strong electronic and paced theme. There could also be use of the old-fashioned style 'kaleidoscope' effect which is popular in older music videos and would fit in with the edgy and slightly strange style of the music video. For example:

Here is an idea for the costumes:

The set the musicians would be standing in would be dark and have a strong electronic theme, with wires coming from everywhere around the instruments. As I said before, the set for the musicians could be linked to the video game the man is playing, as if he had been sucked into the video game. This could also be a potential shot using special FX which shows the man being 'drawn' into the computer. This fits with a 1990s style period and genre and the video game would be set around this time. For example, Metroid was released in 1994 and had this style of graphics that would really fit the video well:

To coincide with the performance/robot element, we could also keep cutting back to the man's family/friends coming into his room to find him not there and finding clues to where he might be such as books on video games and things like that. We could also have a wide angled shot/fisheye of the parents suddenly realising that the boy has been absorbed into the game which would look a bit like this:

So the overall narrative of the story is that a young boy gets absorbed into a video game he's playing whilst drinking soda. The performance element includes the musicians dressed as robots and the little boy transforming into a robot/musician, whichever fits best. The to coincide with the 'real world', we see shots of his worried parents in his messy bedroom and discover that he is in fact inside the computer, performing with the robots from Metroid who are performing the song Heartbeats by The Knife.

The ending of the song is fairly abrupt so I decided that the female lead singer/robot should wave to the young boy and just before the song ends, he arrives back in front of his computer with a shocked look on his face.

I believe this video fits in with the style of the band The Knife because they present a very electronic and indie style to their performance and band image. They produce the sort of music that would appeal to young people between the ages of 16 and 25. This video idea fits in with that style because as the song appeals to people of that age, they will be the one's who remember games such as Metroid and find the songs more interesting and exciting because they understand the concept. The Knife present themselves as being very retro but therefore a bit stuck in the nineties. This is recent picture of them:

And here is a not-so-recent picture of them:

I believe this retro style of music video would fit in very nicely around their star image and fits in very well with this particular style of electro genre song.

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