Friday 16 January 2015

Evaluation Task One

In what ways do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

After deciding that we would go for the stereotypical convention of an all male, young, clean-cut band, we decided to look into similar artists such as One Direction and McFly. Looking back on our finished music video, there are many similarities and conventions that come up unintentionally and intentionally placed by us.

For example, there are many close ups of the musical instruments in our music video.

Here, we see a close ups of the drums, the guitar and the bass. This fits with the convention that young boy bands play their own music which makes a wider audience appeal to the music they are creating as they show multiple talents. It is crucial for the audience to see the set up of the band to know what image they are going for. We see the band McFly with similar shots like this, suggesting that it is a common and successful convention.

Another example of a convention of a boy band, is a close up of the singer and in fact all members of the band. Especially as they are a new band, it is important for the viewer to be able to see what the artists look like in order for them to become widely known and famous in the music industry.The new band Kodaline also follow this convention as they need to gain a wider audience to become more popular.Here is their video for Love Like This:

It is important for the band to look clean-cut and fun-loving in the music video. We did this by using powder paint and a rivalry between a girl band and a boy band. This convention gave across the image of carefree young boys who would be great role models for the younger audience. One Direction also used this idea of powder paint to show how fun-loving they were, and this convention was successful due to their ever growing fan base. Here is a GIF from One Direction's video:

Overall, I believe we established and successfully conveyed multiple conventions and can see that they are popular due to the examples I have shown. In comparison to real media products, our music videos is not dissimilar and does not challenge the form and convention but adheres to it wholly.

1 comment:

  1. Claudia

    A good start to your evaluation task.
    There are some good points on media conventions used in your music video. These can be developed further by adding a wider range hyperlinks or using screengrabs linked to actual examples from established music videos. By comparing these you will show an understanding of these conventions further. If you have used an idea or concept discussed by a media author such as Negus or Pete Fraser, then do cite/ quote these. You also need to add entries for the front and back cover of your CD digipak and homepage of your website - see me if you need help with this. An address of the evaluation question set will help evaluate how successful your have been with your products discussing what you used, developed or challenged - you do this but in a concise way.
