Friday 22 November 2013

Our Idea

Our Finalised Thriller Opening Sequence Idea

Today is the day our idea has been finalised. This is very exciting and I know you've all been waiting for it...

We established that we wanted to do a spy-thriller, as this is an interesting subject and therefore quite a challenge to achieve. A brief synopsis includes a spy, doing missions, getting into trouble, explosions, villains, deaths, violence, suspense. THE WHOLE PACKAGE OF A SPY MOVIE.

Here is the opening title sequence narrative:

It is dark. We are in a bedroom of a middle aged man with a digital alarm clock, and he is asleep in his bed. The window is open, wind is blowing papers across a table. These have a spy-significance. We cut to the outside of the house in a POV shot, hinting to the audience that someone is watching him. We see a hand opening a door, then a shot to a kitchen, tap dripping, heartbeat and heavy breathing ensure suspense. A black figure sweeps past the camera and then cut to a corridor, and we only see the mans shoulders and the back of his head. He walks down the corridor into the bedroom. We have another shot of the alarm clock and suddenly it goes off, with one hand of the asleep man fumbling for it and one man seamlessly turning it off with one finger.

Here is the original storyboard:

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