Friday 22 November 2013

Research Into Our Idea

Research: Spies

Seeing as our opening title sequence is going to be a spy-thriller, I thought a bit of research into spies, their lives and deaths, would be an interesting background to understanding the theme more.

The first spy I looked in to was Gareth Williams, who was found dead in a locked sports bag, a week after he had died. This was interesting because it showed me that spies do not normally die in normal circumstances, and their intricate lives don't come without consequences. It turns out Williams graduated with a phD in maths when he was just seventeen years old! Hereby conforming to the suspicion that spy agency chiefs look for, let's say, intelligent but slightly odd people. Therefore, we have decided to make our spy's bedroom slightly creepy, with an open window, and secret documents spread across a table.

The next thing I researched was where this man lived, and it turned out it was a very normal place, a flat in Pimlico, London. This helped my group and I establish what sort of location we want to use. However, this is going to be slightly difficult to find in Surrey, so we have a back up of an inconspicuous 'cottage' where you would unlikely find a spy.

Our first location choice would look something like this:

However, our second location choice would look like this:


So essentially, our ultimatum, after research on spies, concludes in location choice.

In the end it's...

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