Monday 3 March 2014

Editing Our Opening Title Sequence

Our Final Editing Session

This session included mainly picking the theme music for our opening title sequence. There were many different songs and sound FX that we could choose form. After listening to many different tracks, including some choral pieces which we thought might have an 'impending-doom' effect on the audience.

We tested all of these tracks and eventually went for a more futuristic type of song called 'Satellites.' We then slowed down this track in order to create a slower build up instead of an automatic impact. This we used for the first thirty seconds and then slowly faded into a low booming synth sound in order to make the audience feel suspense and tension. Overall, I am pleased with the way the sound FX turned out.

Our actual titles in the sequence were a bit more tricky as you have to make sure you are within the 'title safe.' This means that if people still have small and old televisions then they can still see all of the names that come up. We chose an old typewriter-like font in order to fit in our stereotype of spies and politics in the old days. We also had to make sure that the titles were up long enough for people to be able to read the name and the job in plenty of time. We also tried to fit the titles in with the rhythm of the music but this turned out to be more difficult than we thought and looked sloppy, so therefore we made the decision to place the titles in different places where it suited them more.

So our opening title sequence is complete! The next thing to do is to do audience research into whether they liked it, whether they thought it was a good thriller etc. Overall, I am happy with the outcome of our thriller as a lot of hard work and effort has gone into it.

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