Monday 10 March 2014

Evaluation Task Five: How did you attract/address your audience?

 After our research into what our target audience would be, and through interviewing a wide range of ages between the two genders, we discovered that our main target audience would be male 15-20. Our research also suggested that older males in the 21-39 age category would also be our sub-target audience.

We found out that a lot of what this category was expecting from our thriller was suspense. Many of our shots in our thriller build suspense, for example this one:

This is an example this shot is foreshadowing the unexpected arrival of our 'killer.' This attracted the audience because it built up suspense and made them question who this unnamed and mysterious figure is. This is the sort of thing our target audience asked to see. This close-up of the 'killers' foot creates dramatic irony for the audience which is a technique that is used in many thrillers and a technique that the audience should be used to if they watch a lot of thrillers,  and therefore appeals to our target audience as it is a fairly normal shot.

Another type of shot that appeals to our target audience are shots that give hints to the viewer about what the film may be about. An example of this is:

When we asked our target audience what they would like in our thriller, a popular answer was the spy/political element of our thriller. Therefore, this over-the-shoulder shot appeals and attracts the audience as it shows a confidential document which offers intrigue to the audience and makes them want to know what the rest of the film is about.

One shot that is common in many thrillers is the shot where you see one of the main characters' wedding ring which appeals to the audience because it tells them a little bit more about the character. An example of this in our thriller is:

This close-up shot appeals and attracts our target audience because although it is a simple shot, it tells a lot about what is to come and foreshadows events that may effect the family that we have been told he has by this shot of his wedding ring. This sort of shot occurs in films such as 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service' which is a Bond film. Our target audience have mentioned that our thriller seems very similar to a James Bond style of film and therefore, if this shot is similar to one in a Bond film, it would definitely appeal to our target audience.

Overall, our thriller appeals and attracts to our target audience because many of our shots create suspense and tension which is something that our audience wanted from our film. We attracted our audience by filling the niche of foreshadowing and creating tension through intriguing close up shots.

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