Thursday 29 May 2014

Analysis of Music Videos: Bad Reputation - Joan Jett

This video is a classic example of rock music videos across the decades. This video includes all the stereotypes of the whole band playing the actual instruments, including close- ups and wide shots of all the band members. It also includes lots of head-banging and fast movements, hereby creating Joan Jett as a upbeat, anarchistic performance artist and her star image is as a rebellious and careless.

This star image is very typical of rock artists and links to the fact that if Joan Jett presented herself as clean-cut whilst playing this style of music, she would not be as successful as other bands such as the big heavy rock bands.

Joan Jett was already very influential in the rock world as she was sort of the first woman to become famous and a household name from being rebellious and anarchistic. She appealed to a wide audience as the people who already liked rock music liked her, but also people found her more accessible as she was a woman and seemed less scary.

In her younger days, her management decided to present her as shown in this picture. She was seen as always wearing black and mostly wore leather to keep with the edgy style she wanted to be displayed as. This is the same image used in her video. Also, in this picture, in similarity to the video, she is seen with an instrument and that links with the rebellious but talented image they want to put across.

The fact the band is playing almost throughout this whole video is stereotypical of rock music videos as fans of all ages of heavy rock bands draw a connection to every member of the band. This is not just in the rock genre, as bands such as One Direction have a huge fan base because of all of the members, not just one of them who is the star. This band has created a huge fan base by actually being musically talented in the way that they actually play all their own instruments unlike many other artists nowadays.

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