Friday 27 September 2013

Analysing Opening Sequences: The Shining

The Shining

In class, we watched the opening sequence of The Shining, directed by Stanley Kubrick. Here is the sequence we watched:

This is a very intriguing opening sequence. Nothing much happens but the overall mise-en-scene allows the audience to fully know the location and setting of the film in the first three minutes. This means the audience goes on the journey with the car, making the audience feel as if they are in the film, or maybe that something is watching the car from above, giving it a foreboding factor. However, the eerie music played over the beautiful landscapes allows the audience to understand the genre, and that perhaps the film is going to be mysterious and scary. It is also interesting how the camera never goes into the car in this sequence, providing something to be discovered later on in the film.

This opening sequence does include important factors like the names of the actors, director, music etc. which most films have and should have. However, this sequence does not tell you very much about the film, but adds to the mystery of the film, and the intricate details of the story the audience anticipate to discover.

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