Monday 16 September 2013

My Second Camera Lesson

Actually filming something.

In this lesson, we set up the cameras as usual, but this time there was something new, actually recording something! We learnt how to use the record button and also all the right terminology the directors, actors etc. use on set. Here are a few:

Standby: This is used by almost everyone on set to show that you are ready. The director says it first and other important people like the actors, special effects etc. ensue.

Turn Over: This is said by the director when he/she wishes to start recording. This is the cue for the camera to press the start button.

Rolling: This is said by the camera man to let the director know he is filming.

Action and Cut: These are said accordingly at the beginning and end of a scene.

We also learnt how important continuity is, and that women are usually better at this (whoop). We also know now to shoot a scene several times at different shot sizes all the way through, which can then be edited to make a shorter and more fluid scene later on. 

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