Saturday 7 September 2013



I'm Claudia and welcome to my blog. There are many things you don't know about me, most of which you never will know, but the most important fact you should know is that I love films. I think I first got this love of films from my dad who forced me to watch such films as Psycho, Vertigo, It's a Wonderful Life and all of those glorious 'oldies'. I'm currently studying Media Studies at Hurtwood House along with other subjects such as Theatre Studies. Acting, singing and dancing are also things I'm passionate about.

Here's something you don't know, and don't need to know. Did you know that it would take 12 honeybees a lifetime to produce one teaspoon of honey? (I'm also a lover of random information if you can't already tell.)

So this is just the beginning of my blog, and also just the beginning of my education in the world of Media. I hope you enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is a wild ride from start to finish. 10/10
