Thursday 3 October 2013

Analysing Opening Sequences: Vertigo

In similarity to Goldfinger, this opening title sequence uses a woman's face therefore objectifying her. In most common thrillers, someone gets into trouble or murdered, and if the 'killer' has a series of victims, stereotypically the first one to die will be an attractive female. However, this shows a warped version of the woman's face turn into a spiral, this suggests that the film could be supernatural or involve someone with mental illness.

The use of the colour red in this clip signifies danger as when the camera zooms into a close up of her eye, she looks scared and then it turns red. This makes the audience think of blood and danger, two things that are specifically linked to the thriller genre.

The use of zoom and focus throughout this clip highly enhances the effect of the clip as it really draws the audience into what is happening. This sequence is very random and does not tell us much about the film, therefore leaving the audience on 'the edge of their seats' and wanting to watch more. 

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