Wednesday 2 October 2013

Analysing Opening Sequences: Goldfinger

This opening title sequence uses the device of keeping a colour scheme throughout, which is a fairly common for thriller films as it sets the mood. The gold here represents luxury and higher class and as people's faces are projected onto the gold body parts, we know that this is a signifier that these people are rich and in power.

As is common in a James Bond movie, there is a theme song running throughout. This song is called 'Goldfinger' and therefore the pictures on screen need to match with the song and vice versa. Within the editing, there seems to be almost a rhythm between how long a shot stays on screen to when it changes according to the music. This makes the audience want to watch the piece more as it flows and is easy watching.

Throughout the opening title sequence, we are shown snippets of the film to come, which is designed to keep the audience on edge and for them to continue watching. This is done inventively and uniquely using projections in order for the audience to be intrigued by the way they are presented.

Another theme throughout this sequence is the objectification of women. As they say in the industry, if you put a woman's body on screen in intriguing positions, the male AND female audience equally are interested in the aim and objective of this woman.

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