Sunday 6 October 2013

Analysing Sequences: Kill Bill

Kill Bill: Beatrix Buried Alive

The other day in class we looked at a scene from Kill Bill involving one character being buried alive, here is the scene:

This scene specifically uses a lot of Diegetic sound which is enhanced for the audience to feel like they are in the movie. A unique thing about this clip is that in a substantial part of the sequence, there is no picture at all, only sound and a black screen. This creates suspense for the audience as we can only hear what's going on and therefore can't fully understand exactly what is happening. This type of effect allows the audience to create their own image inside their head and usually, as the noises we're hearing at horrific, e.g dirt being dumped and heavy breathing, it is more gruesome that it would be, giving the clip a powerful sense of mystery.  

However, this clip also uses Non-Diegetic sound in the form of a tune being whistled. This adds to the effect of the scene as it creates a suspenseful mood and atmosphere. The whistling is quite a sad, melodic song and this tells the audience that what is happening isn't a good thing.

There is no speech in this clip, which also adds to the unusual atmosphere. As an audience who as only seen this clip and not the film, it makes you question about what is happening, and makes you feel as if you've missed something, like the reason for the woman being buried. This clip uses a lot of sound but no words but still has a powerful effect by using loud Diegetic sound to explain what is going on.

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