Friday 19 September 2014

Developing Ideas For Our Music Video

One hurdle that we are trying to get over within our group is choosing the song for our concept. We have a very strong idea for the concept which includes powder paint being thrown at someone whilst they are lip synching to the music but we are having difficulty in developing an idea for the narrative or performance element of the video as well as the song choice. The top choice for song at the moment is Long Way Down by Tom Odell and sounds like this:

The only problem with this song is that it is very sad and would need a very good narrative idea in order to convey the message of heartbreak and 'falling' into nothingness. We have been told that this song sounds very much like the person is 'falling' away or out of love but we are struggling to think of ideas that correlate with this theme. Our initial idea would be that all other narrative scenes would be shot in black and white and then when the powder paint comes in it is the only bit in colour. It should look a bit like this:

Another idea we had to include in this video included using the powder paint to make art like in the Lady Dior Moscow advert that used sand in order to make a picture as seen here:

However, this idea requires a lot of skill and a professional artist is unfortunately not in our budget. We will try and take elements from this inspiration and include something similar in our video.

We have been told that this is a really strong idea and I'm looking forward to working out a way of developing it properly.

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