Friday 19 September 2014

Update On Music Video Ideas

After doing a lot of thinking about the song aforementioned in a previous blog post, I have come up with a strong narrative with two directional paths and an advancement on the powder paint idea. 

Narrative One - this aspect of the video would include 'flashbacks' of a couple who are really happy, maybe painting or drawing each other and being very together and couply riding their skateboards together. However, this is to be made clear that this is in the past which will be made obvious by the other narrative and the powder paint shots. The shots would look a bit like this:

Narrative Two - this aspect would be shot completely in black and white and as the song gives of a never ending/endless and constant beat and swing to it I thought we could have shots of the boy on his skateboard, in a hoodie at nightime with no one else around. This would portray the nonchalant and bored feeling that displays his feelings on loneliness. This shot could also be replicated with the girl. Basically, this idea is just showing how sad their lives are without each other. I like the idea of constant movement with the use of the skateboard which hints that life goes on but it isn't necessarily a fulfilling life after love. The shots would look a bit like this:

 Powder Paint Concept - as we have now introduced two characters, we thought that this would vary the powder paint scenes into three categories: the girl being throw powder paint at, the guy being thrown powder paint at and the both of them together. We would still use the slow-motion technique in order to get a desired effect of the powder paint representing their emotions and hearts being hit by artificial things and being stained/damaged.

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