Sunday 12 October 2014

An Update On Our Music Video

Recently, we have been doing a lot of work on writing our timelines and storyboards for our music videos. However, we have come across a little difficulty in the planning process due to the lack of a strong idea to correlate with our powder paint idea.

This has resulted in our storyboard not being ready for an animatic to be created although I am sure that it will come soon.

In other lessons, we have been learning about Media in the Online Age which is a very relevant subject to do with our music videos as they will all go up on YouTube. Nowadays, putting something on YouTube seems fairly normal, but only twenty years ago there was no such thing and people were still only watching music videos on the TV and if they bought them especially. Although this seems weird to people of my generation, I realise that this might be even more strange for the older generation who have to adapt to the knew digital technologies associated with the music industry.

The fact that everything is now sold and bought digitally online is a very novel thing for the older generation as they are used to buying cassettes and CDs from record stores. However, the use of vinyl is coming back in to fashion so this is also something that the younger generation have to adapt to, as I am sure I know people who wouldn't know what to do when they saw a vinyl record. This is a very interesting development because there is no particular reason for vinyl to come back in to fashion but it has so much so that there are vinyl sections of well know retailers such as HMV.

This is very interesting development and I look forward to seeing what the music industry is like in the next fifty years time.

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