Monday 13 October 2014

Our Music Video Concept Change

After doing a lot of thinking about our music video, we have decided as a group to change the song AND the concept of our music video. The song we are now doing is called You Really Got Me by The Kinks.It sounds like this:

They are a fairly old and retro style of band. We have decided to re-create this vintage style with a classic four-man boyband. We are envisioning them all being dressed in white suits, a bit like this:

We are sticking the powder paint concept but because the song is a lot more upbeat, we feel the idea works even better now. We want all four guys playing instruments so this aids the performance concept that we didn't have with the original idea. The twist in this concept is that we are going to have four girls playing in an identical band with androgynous feel to the two bands. We want the girls to look similar to the guys and all dressed in white. An idea we had was to have all of the performers wearing different coloured headbands but the same colour as the person they are performing opposite.

We are planning on using a lot of split screen to portray that this video is sort of a 'battle' for the spotlight. For example, one shot will be the lead girl vocalist 'pushing' the frame of the shot so that the boyband disappears and the girlband are on the full screen. Another idea is to have match shots so for example, if the drummer is hit by blue powder paint on his face, we will get the girl drummer to also be hit by blue powder paint on her face.

Another idea is that we can have the girls and vice versa the guys throwing powder paint at each other in similarity to the Easy Jet advert where the advert is continuous across multiple screens. So the girl will throw some paint and it will hit the guy in the next shot along. It looks like this:

I think this will be really effective and is a much better and more fun idea than our previous one. I also really like the old-fashioned and fun vibe that the song gives off and look forward to portraying this on camera on our shoot day.  

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