Monday 20 October 2014

Requesting Permission From The Record Label

Recently, we decided to write a letter to the record label of The Kinks in order to request permission to use the song. However, we found it a bit difficult finding who to email as The Kinks are no longer a fully functioning band. Despite this, we found a website under the name of Decor Records who suggested that they dealt with a lot of the band's special appearances and websites as it says here on their website:

Here is the copy of the letter I emailed in the hopes that I had found the right people/company:

'Dear Sir or Madam,
We are a group of A Level students working on an A Level project for a qualification in Media Studies. We are writing to request permission to use the following track as part of this project:

‘You Really Got Me’ – The Kinks

With your permission the track would be used as the accompaniment to a short form video that is made purely for assessment purposes and will have no commercial usage. The video will be viewed only by members of the school community and the assessor of the examination board.

The artist and the copyright holder will of course be fully recognised in the pre-production and evaluation material that accompanies the project. We can also include a full copyright notice if required both in the planning material and on the video itself.

Yours sincerely,

Claudia Fielding

Lulu Bradshaw

Katie Sonina

Hurtwood House School'

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