Wednesday 15 October 2014

Meeting With The Lighting Designer

Once we have developed our idea thoroughly from the slow paced song we chose originally to the upbeat and fast tempo of our new song, we decided to have a meeting with a lighting designer in order to set in stone our concept. We talked to George who thought that lighting our music video with a very white, bright light and fairly soft. This hopefully will portray a happy, go-lucky vibe and go with the overall easy and breezy concept of our 'battle of the bands'. The lighting we're hoping will look a bit like this:

We also had an idea for our set design. As we are going with the powder paint idea, we have decided that an all white background with maybe a raised white platform for the band to perform on as the paint will show up really well against the harsh and bright background. We also toyed around with having an all black background but we decided that this looked too dark and sinister for the happy song we are filming to.

1 comment:

  1. Claudia well done for getting some blogging completed in what has been a busy week for you. You need to blog your sketches and the props/ mise en scene presentation as soon as possible. Your group has posted a treatment which you can blog. This is incomplete work yet I know you have been working tremendously hard on the production. You do need to blog your ideas and progress. You can blog your animatic and argue what has changed and why. With a little more effort and assistance from me the missing work can be easily blogged very quickly. The treatment is good forms the basis for planning your concept.
