Friday 6 February 2015

Audience Feedback: Survey Monkey

In order to get optimum audience feedback, we decided to set up a survey on the website

This was a very useful website as it allowed us to ask multiple people up to ten questions for free. We decided to ask them about our music video and we would tackle the challenge of our ancillary texts later on in the feedback process.

The first question we asked was whether the viewer enjoyed the video. We were pleased to find out that everybody enjoyed the video and have received a 100% 'yes' rating for our video.

Our next question was What is your favourite aspect to our music video? And we overwhelmingly received comments about the powder paint element. This suggests that maybe we should have included more of this, or more different types of paint in order for the audience to not get bored until the paint comes in.

Overall, we got a fairly positive response to our casting choices although a few people felt that maybe some of the choices weren't great. This coincides with some of our YouTube comments who mentioned that the performers were a bit stiff and looked a bit bored.

After asking what could be improved in our music video, an overwhelming response was that the performers could have been more into it as it got boring at times. However, all of these problems would not occur if our band was real.

I feel like we conveyed the concept of the music video fairly well as most people understood that it was supposed to look like a boy band having fun. They seemed to understood the major emphasis on the 'pop' genre.

As we are currently looking at media in the online age, I decided to ask the question whether you would buy the song online. We got a resounding yes but not as many said they would download it illegally. This is interesting as it shows that maybe music culture offline isn't dying as quickly as we thought.

We got a very good response from everybody about the name of our boy band. Originally we were not so sure about the name but to know that it is appealing and fits with the indie/pop genre is comforting and makes us firm in our decision to name the band Quadratic Formula.

The audience understood that our target audience was pre-teens and teen girls although we got some responses saying that it would appeal to a lot of people as the image is so clean cut. This is what we wanted to hear because we want parents of young girls to be comfortable with them listening to Quadratic Formula's music.

Once again, we got some criticism on the casting choice for the band. We also discovered that the set was a bit bland so if we were to do this again, we would have a bigger, white box set where we can see the floor. We unfortunately did not have the budget for this originally.

After hearing the audience feedback, we feel we have achieved and overall positive approach to our music video. It was good to put the survey out there and get some feedback as some of the respondents were in our target audience range of 11-16. Most of the responses were positive and what we were expecting so I believe we have successfully conveyed the image and artist that we wanted to convey and this has been proven by the amount of positive feedback we have received.

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