Friday 6 February 2015

Audience Feedback: YouTube Statisics

Although we got some good feedback from our survey, there is still the possibility that the respondents were trying to please us and be nice. So we decided to take a look at the YouTube statistics for our music video and found some interesting things.

We saw that the top place people were watching our video was in the United Kingdom which makes sense because that is where our band is from and where they are based. A lot of people from our college have watched the video and we noticed that it had received over 1,200 views on YouTube since it's release in December. 

However, we did receive a lot of views from over 25 countries, suggesting that our image is a global image similarly to One Direction. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough views to find out what was the most popular age range that were watching our videos but we are pretty sure that it was our target audience which was 11-16 years old.

We also had a look at what devices our audience were watching our video on. Due to the proliferation of hardware and content, watching our video on a mobile phone was very popular and coincides with our target audience. A lot of younger people watch things nowadays on their smartphones instead of a computer although computers are still the number one way to watch things. I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years time the mobile phone views surpassed the computer views.

Similar to some of the responses we received on our survey, a lot of people stopped watching because it got too boring. A way we could improve this is to bring in the powder paint and maybe a different paint aspect sooner so the audience don't turn the video off. This could easily be improved with a higher budget, better cast and a better set.

1 comment:

  1. Claudia
    You have collated some excellent audience feedback which is indicative of the quality of your product and how much your target audience enjoyed this. You have sensibly reflected on these comments and the You Tube statistics. The next part of this evaluation process is to consider how the audience has engaged with your products and has it worked as a campaign? This we will evaluate next - well done for now.
