Monday 2 February 2015

Evaluation Task Two: Conclusion

 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I have been effective in communicating the star image as a part of a campaign - considering the distribution of the product and the brand image. Ultimately the brand image I want to promote was a boy band of four boys with a clean-cut and fun-loving image. This is important for any campaign or concept. For example, my campaign could be linked to artists such as One Direction and Kodaline as they already have a large fanbase of my target audience, pre-teens and teenage girls. Emily Teadrake from Polydor records argues that the pitch for any concept had to be consistent and marketable which is what I hope I have produced through my ancillary texts and my main music video. For example, Emily said that the Ellie Goulding's music video wa key to the success of the song because that is the way the viewer sees what the artist looks like and is able to make a judgement. It also portrays the star image in the most positive light as the artist is in control of how she/he/they are portrayed.

 Secondly, I feel that I have given the campaign a unique selling point through the star image. The star image I have promoted is a clean-cut, care-free and fun-loving bunch of middle class boys who make the organic pop/rock music using their own instruments. A unique selling point used in a coherent campaign will provide different opportunities to market the star image. An audience who is able to spread word of mouth about a publicity campaign can enure success through the engagement with the text as a form of online media, helping spread, circulate and distribute meaning amongst fans.

Finally, I have technically delivered a coherent looking campaign through my ancillary texts and my music video through the use of image and online social media. The music video promotes a single that is released along with the album whilst the website acts as an effective online tool which helps distribute and promote meaning for a fan base. The circulation and spread of meaning by the intended audience helps with co-option, as argued by Boyd amongst the fans and aids me with the marketing and promotion of the album.

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