Friday 31 January 2014

Editing our Opening Title Sequence

Editing Target: One

Recently, my group and  I have started editing and I can honestly say it's more difficult (but more fun) than you think it would be. Our sequence at the moment is approximately two minutes long which is just right for  the exam board requirements.

At first, I had to refresh my brain on how to edit, as it had been so long since the first preliminary task but once this was achieved it has been pretty smooth sailing. We have experimented with many different shots and what order they should go in and have therefore made many renewed drafts, attempting to make our sequence even better.

Our sequence as it stands at the moment starts with an establishing shot of the location where we filmed, in order to show the viewer the overall picture and setting of the sequence. We tried starting with various other shots such as Adam sleeping, to establish his character, and even shots of the alarm clock, which is a significant device at the beginning and especially the end of our piece. As we tried out many different shots, we feel we have thoroughly picked the best one by taking time and care over what looks best and where it fits in.

We continue to edit throughout these next few weeks and no doubt our sequence will change drastically as the next step is to add music and inevitably, the titles.

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