Wednesday 29 January 2014

Opening credits analysis: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011)

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Opening Credits from Mikhael Tarigan on Vimeo.

There are many names included in this opening title sequence. This is useful because it shows me what sort of titles we should use for our Thriller Opening Sequence. Normally, the most important names are shown first and in this case this is true. It starts off with the names of three big name production companies and is then followed by the big name actor Gary Oldman. Straight after this is the title of the film, suggesting that all of the important names have been revealed. From then on, fifteen actors names are mention in quick succession, hinting that the film is one with many complex characters. These are followed by casting director, music supervisor, who wrote the music, hair and makeup designer, the editor, costume designer etc. These were not big name artists and therefore were at the end of the sequence. However the name at the end of the sequence was the directors, showing he is most important.

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