Sunday 26 January 2014

Our Shoot Day

Target: Shoot Day

Firstly, I would like to say how much I enjoyed our shoot day, and not just because there was lots of chocolate at Adam's house, where we filmed most of our shots.

The day before our shoot, we made sure we knew what we were doing by looking through our storyboard and making sure we had exactly the right costumes and props to make our sequence the best it could be. At first, I was nervous to start filming when the day dawned, but as it edged closer and closer to when we were going to film, excitement crept in.

We made sure we everything with us, including the fake documents needed to convey who our character was, and when we got to the location (Adam's house) we made sure to look around everywhere and take away certain pieces of furniture and toys to fit in with our concept. At first, our location looked quite messy (sorry Adam) so we had to tidy up bits and pieces from all areas like the bedroom, kitchen and living room. I feel this aided us in showing the viewer what type of guy our character is.

Then it got to the filming stage (insert photo of me with a camera):

In this particular case, we were trying to create the type of morning light our sequence required, the solution was umbrellas. Lots and lots of umbrellas. I spent most of the morning being the cameraman, and then handed over the role to Luke and Vlada in the afternoon while I directed. During my brief encounter as a cameraman, I felt one shot I did particularly well was a pan from Adam's feet (who is now our actor) onto his face. It required a steady hand and I think I achieved this shot well. Here is Adam, who has been lying in bed all day. Oh the struggles of an actor:

I think all the shots we did in the bedroom were most successful as we managed to achieve both quality and quantity, which is crucial when editing. However, when we went to film outside, it had started raining, causing an inevitable want to go back inside and therefore quite a speedy filming session with less care and time taken over it.

The part of the shoot I enjoyed most was when I was cameraman, as I felt like I was wholly creating the shots by myself. My team and I get along very well, as we are all quite mellow people, causing no arguments or friction of ideas throughout the day which was a good thing. I am looking forward to editing all of the bedroom scenes as we have so much to choose from, I think we can make it look really effective.  

In order to create a better sequence next time, I think we should think more about time constraints and lack of daylight as if these were perfect, we would spend less time editing the brightness and contrast of each individual clip. But overall, I had a lot of fun filming my first sequence and am very excited to start editing.

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