Friday 31 January 2014

Folder Content for our Opening Title Sequence

Character List: -

 Victim- Medium height and weight, dark short hair. He is not seen very much as he is in bed throughout the sequence.

Killer-  Tall, broad/built. Dark hair and dark clothes (a suit). Mid-twenties/ thirties and has some stubble.

Cast List:-

Victim-  Adam Grant.

Killer- Ben Cutler, Hendrick, Theo, Jimmy, Jack Flamminger.

Props List:-

Shot No. 1- Alarm clock, digital. A bedside table. A lamp, maybe a book, some papers etc.

Shot No 2- Window with curtains.

Shot No 3- A bigger table, papers/documents and pens.

Shot No 4- A bed and duvet.


Shot No 5- Pillow,, bed, duvet.

Shot No 6- Analogue clock, round and white.

Shot No 7- A house.

Shot No 8- A door and gloves.

Shot No 9- A sink, things to dress the sink i.e. kitchen utensils, unwashed plates/cups, washing up liquid etc.

Shot No 10- Same analogue clock again.


Shot No 11- A kitchen scene, a fridge, sink again etc.

Shot No 12- A corridor, three lights that turn on one by one.

Shot No 13- Clothes for the killer, a suit, maybe a coat.

Shot No 14- A different door to the bedroom.

Shot No 15- A bed, bedside table, lamp, an alarm clock, a bigger table, a rug, slippers by the side of the bed, a wardrobe, chest of drawers, bedroom things.

Shot No 16- A full length mirror, bedroom things etc.


hot No 17- Alarm clock digital, a lamp, book etc.

Shot No 18- Same as 17.


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