Tuesday 11 November 2014

CD Digipak Research

After doing an initial first draft for our CD Digipak, I decided to do some research into the definition and what a CD Digipak entails. From the Wikipedia website, it says that Digipaks usually have a gatefold (book-style) paperboard or card stock outer binding, with one or more plastic trays capable of holding a CD or DVD attached to the inside.

Seeing as we've already drafted a Digipak and downloaded a template online, the next stage is to start playing about with photoshop in order to create something that looks professional.

We also took a look at a video of Andrew Kelsall explaining his example of a CD Digipak:

We also had a look at the term 'intertextuality' which could potential be a very prominent theme on our Digipak. We will develop this idea further and see where this concept goes towards our final product.

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