Friday 28 November 2014

Further Editing On Our Music Video

Whilst editing our music video, we have come across some problems such as videos getting out of sync. This set us back a few hours as we had to correct every scene. Another problem we are facing is keeping the video edgy and interesting without making the video seem jumpy as most of the shots are static. This is an issue we would like to rectify by using split screen which would look a bit like this:

However, this is something that we are keen to move on to due to us not being happy with the rough cut. Although we have a solid rough cut, it will be good to move on to the proper editing using Premiere Pro. These will be good skills to learn so we can use these effects in later projects. 

We have realised that continuity within the powder paint sections of our video is also a difficult task to edit. This is because once our actors were covered in paint, there was no easy way to clean them up for the next shot. However, this has proved as detrimental because most of our shots are of them covered in powder paint whereas we don't have many shots of them being initially hit and of them initially throwing the paint. If we were to do our shoot again, we would change this and put more cameras on each person at once. This was impossible as we didn't have the budget.


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