Friday 28 November 2014

CD Digipak: Second Draft

As our shoot day is over and done with, we decided to created a better rough version of our CD Digipak for our artist, Quadratic Formula. It looks a bit like this:

I am aware that some things are spelt wrong but overall I am happy with the way it turned out. As you can see, we have stuck to three primary colours including black and white for our CD cover. We thought this made the design simpler without it being too boring. As our music video uses a lot of colour, we liked to incorporate this in our CD Digipak by using a well known painting as the background for CD part of the Digipak.

Hopefully this will be improved even further although I really liked the pictures and colours we used and I feel like everything goes well together. I feel like the design brings across the 'boy-next-door' vibe of the band that we were going for.

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