Friday 28 November 2014

Official Instagram Of Quadratic Formula

In order to add multi-media context to our music video, we decided to create an official Instagram page for Quadratic Formula, our band. Instagram is a photo sharing site which is an app you can download on to your phone or you can log in on a computer. You can have millions of followers and you can follow as many people as you want in order to see their pictures. 

Many popular artists such as Beyonce have official Instagrams in order to make her audience feel like they are in her day to day life:

As you can see, Beyonce has 21 million followers but is following absolutely no one. This is a sign that she already had a massive fan base before creating her instagram and through word of mouth, using social media and the internet, she has created a huge following of people just wanting to see and know more about her day to day life.

We thought that by creating an official page for our boy band that it would increase our following and make everyone more aware of the style of the band. Although we know our band is not real, it is interesting to find out where this ends up and see what effect it has on social media and also through word of mouth at our college.

Although Quadratic Formula are a new band, I have already gained a following of 18 people who are interested in knowing more about the band. It will be really interesting to see where this ends up.

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