Thursday 20 November 2014

Evalution Of Our Shoot Day

On Monday, we had our shoot day for our music video which is something we had all really been looking forward to. After all of our hard work and change of ideas, it was time to finally get the cameras out and make something that we'd been working on for four weeks come to life. Last year, we made thrillers and used cameras called Sony NX5 to create shots, however, this year we used a more professional and advanced camera that included ten or so different lenses that you could switch. One of these included a slow motion lens which would come in handy for our powder paint scenes.

We started off the day by getting all of our cast members dressed and made up for the shoot ahead. Obviously, the girls took longer than the boys but we got this done efficiently within one hour so not much time was wasted. We put all the girls in the same white dresses but with different coloured ribbons as belts:

The boys also wore similar white outfits but instead of ribbon, they wore different coloured braces. We decided to stick with the same colour for the opposing counterpart also. For example, the boy singer was wearing red accessories and so was the girl singer. 

 The day started off not messy because we were filming shots of just the band in he performance element. This worked out well because it was not difficult and everyone co-operated well to get the job done, including the actors. We got various wide and establishing shots of both bands as well as close-ups to show the detail of the actor's faces and of the musical instruments. A hurdle we hit was that some of our actors could not actually play the instruments they were given which was a bit of a struggle at first, although everyone got into it and looked comfortable towards the end of the day. We also filmed some tracking shots which show the competition between the two bands and we will hopefully edit these to look like wipe shots. 

In the afternoon, the powder paint started being thrown. We made sure that every camera and every angle was correct before throwing the paint because it is impossible to get off and start again once it has been thrown. Here is a slow motion video of one of the first throws of powder paint which hit Leona. We tried to make it look as if one of the boys had thrown the paint so therefore threw it from the left hand side. This will be made clear in the editing process:

 Once the first bit of paint had been thrown, it became easier and slicker when we threw the next bunch. This element of our video eventually became the easiest one because everyone was so up for it and co-operated well with each other. At the end of the day once we had all of our shots filmed, we decided to do one final slow motion shot of everyone throwing paint at each other. This proved to be a bad idea as it was complete carnage and lots of people ended up getting paint in their eyes. If we were to do a shoot like this again, we would think more carefully about our stupid and dangerous ideas and not do a shot like that again, although it looks great on camera.

Overall, I felt that the day went really well considering it being a very daunting task for all involved. Everything ran fairly smoothly and there were no arguments or disagreements. I feel that the editing process is also very daunting and we will need a lot of help but overall I am happy with the footage we shot as it all looks great. 

If I could do the shoot again, I would make sure we were more prepared with our storyboard and with costumes as this provided unnecessary stress during our media lessons. However, everything turned out okay despite this. I look forward to editing the footage and creating a final product from all our hard work.

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