Thursday 20 November 2014

Personal Achievements On Shoot Day

On the morning of our shoot day, I felt excited but a bit anxious to start the shoot as we still had a few things to be done before we could start filming. We had not set up the background so this was a task to complete and also there was the dilemma of costumes. The costumes were done very last minute so this is something we would do more in advance if we were to do it again.

I felt like I took up many crucial roles in order to get the day done and dusted in as little time as possible. I think it is fair to say that I took on the role of the director and watched from behind the scenes and told our actors how to improve and how to act. I also took pride in coming up with the ideas for the wipe shots which will be further enhanced in the editing process.

I felt that as the director, I managed most of the actors in our video and some proved a little difficult to work with. As I act myself, it was fairly easy to get everyone's blood pumping and the energy up as it was a Monday morning and I had a feeling a few people wanted to be elsewhere. However, as soon as we got the powder paint out, everybody livened up and did a good job.

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